On behalf of the Sikh Youth of the Fresno area, VAHEGURU JI KA KHALSA, VAHEGURU JI KI FATEH!!!

This page is a humble attempt to update the Sangat regarding the Keertan that is done by the Sangat at the Youth Keertan Darbars. The Youth Keertan Darbar was started by the Fresno County Youth to bring the Sikh Youth of the area together in the greatest of pursuits as outlined by Gurbani:

Avar Kaaj Tere Kitae Naa Kaam,
Mil Sadh Sangat Bhaj Keval Naam.

The youth embarked on doing Keertan every Friday as an outlet for their inner spirituality. The support of the local Sangat pushed the program forward and has not only sustained, but enlarged and enriched its very existence. No individual(s) would ever be able to take credit for its presence, as it was the Almighty, residing in the Sadh Sangat, that arranged, organized and performed the Keertan. Starting from a handful of local Sangat of Fresno and nearby Selma, the Youth Keertan Darbar slowly grew and attracted the surrounding youth to come, be a part of the Sangat and to undertake a most high seva - that of Keertan.

No Jathebandis, no Sampardayaan, no groups, no organizations, no divisions - just the pure desire for Sadh Sangat of Sikhs - this is and shall remain the focus of the Youth Keertan Darbar.

To that end, the Almighty has been most merciful in granting the youth each other's Sangat. As moths are drawn to a flame, the Youth Keertan Darbar has attracted Sikhs from areas much farther than the Sangat had ever imagined. Like true Soul-Brides longing for their Almighty Husband Lord, they came from near and far, traveling hours to be in the Sangat, to listen, to take part and drive each other's spiritual states soaring to new highs and to give each other that blissful state to which no other worldly joy can compare.

Please do Ardaas that this initiative continues and grows. It exists to feed the spiritually hungry, to create that hunger in those that believe they are full, and to increase that hunger to a blissful agony that drives a Sikh to maddening pursuit of Gursikhi and the near-impossible excellence that is foretolled in Gurbani.

So please come, listen, earn your true income, and give us your Sangat.